Thursday, January 14, 2010

Day 1 of transition

Well, I ended the juice feast yesterday, after 30 days. I was thinking of continuing it longer but I was having trouble going to the bathroom on my own. Instead I decided to end it, and do a modified diet. So, today started the transition back to solid food. Ironically, I woke up this morning feeling sick. I was unable to get my colonic this week and I guess I was feeling the effects. Instead of starting my day with a juice,I started my day with soaked dates. I thought this was going to jump start my body but instead it made me feel sicker. I then decided to try an enema. Doing that, helped a little, but not as much as I would have liked. So I tried more prunes, took a long nap and waited it out. As luck would have it, it wasn't until this eve. that it all kicked in and I spent the better part of the eve. running in and out of the bathroom. I'm sharing all this ,because if you try this fast I want you to have all the information that I never got. I highly recommend that you do an enema twice a week for the duration of your fast, to avoid having to go through, what I went through today. Having said all this, I have some great news to share( drum roll please)................... I lost 28 pounds! I got on the scale yesterday before I was able to the bathroom. Tomorrow, I'll get on the scale again. This equates to approx. 1 pound a day, three pants sizes down. Crazy results!
My energy level is through the roof, my skin looks great. It's all good! Best is, that my Mom is here to see how well things went and she's working very hard to get her health where it should be. We are going to do a video in the near future, of her journey. I'll post it on my blog when we do. Good luck with your journey:). Till tomorrow Rawsome health to you!

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