Tuesday, January 12, 2010

How to get started on raw food

For those of you who may be interested in getting started on a raw food diet here are a few things of note. First of all, be patient! This is a challenging endeavour. Start slow! Make realistic goals for yourself. Another words, give thought to your short term goals. Think of the cooked foods you just can't give up and place them somewhere in your diet. Next, think of those things that you may be able to substitute for raw, such as bread. Nobody would like the idea of giving up bread products. That thought alone may keep you from trying to go raw. But, did you know that you could actually make bread, raw? Well you can! So really take a look at some of those can't live without foods. Now you've set a realistic goal of how raw you are going to be. It may be a raw dish with a cooked meal to start or it may be a raw dish, one meal a day or week. Whatever it is, tell yourself that you are going to stick to it. Go out and visit several markets.See what they specialize in and do some price comparisions. You may find that you would do best to shop several markets to get the best from all. Organic is always best. I know that it has been said that only certain fruits and veggies need to be organic. My experience has told me that organic just plain tastes best. Eating raw food is such a pure eating experience that you will definitely notice the difference. Try somefruits and veggies that you have never tasted before. I enjoy doing this a lot.Spend an afternoon in your local bookstore and thumb through the raw cook books. Getting recipes online is not the best idea. Many of these recipes have not been proven and may be disappointing. It is not fun to gather a bunch of great ingredients , prepare a dish only to find out that it is not good. You will feel that you have failed but in actuality the recipe just wasn't good. Try to pick recipes with few ingredients. Try it out and then experiment with swapping out the ingredients to make other dishes. Did you know that Mexican restaurants work with maybe 7 different ingredients for their entire menu? You can do the same. So there you have it. Your start into the raw food world. I will post a few recipes that I have gathered to get you started. If you have any questions or concerns please drop me a line. Till next time,Good rawsome health!

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