Sunday, December 20, 2009

Day 6 of the juice feast

This morning I was planning on going for my second colonic but I decided to try for tomorrow,because of the weather, instead. For those of you who may be wondering what a colonic is -it's a process of cleaning out the colon(large intestines). A technician monitors a slow flow of warm water which goes through a nozzle which is inserted into the rectum. The water gently loosens stool which is in the colon. This enables the body to release built up waste and toxins that may be trapped(even as high as the small intestines).It also helps to eliminate gas. Which feels really good. It is recommended that one have several colonics during a juice feast. For the reason that it helps to rid the body of toxins a lot quicker than would be possible without the assistance. After the 1-1/2 hour long treatment you may feel that you need to use the bathroom for several minutes. It's also recommended that you hydrate well afterwords. I noticed that my stomach( because of the gas release ) felt soft and flat.Oh well, I'll try for tomorrow!

Later on in the day my mom called. She was in a dilemma about what to do for Christmas. She didn't want to be tempted by all the food that she knew she shouldn't be eating. She wanted some ideas on what she could bring to eat instead. So my daughter and I proceeded to come up with quick and easy dishes that she could prepare with the limited stock of food she had on hand. A cooked dish that is nutritious and that would work for a party. This is what we all decided on; baked chicken with mixed veggies(onion, potatoes,corn,carrots and peas). She's also bringing; baked apples which will be served with homemade ice cream(made from frozen bananas and strawberries). Sounds yummy to me! She was so excited about it all, that she's making it now to sample. The best part is that it's a mix of cooked and raw foods.It's a nice balance.So if you want to stay on track and you're not sure how to do it. You may try these dishes ( see recipes)or drop me a note and I'll help you sort it out. Peace and Love- Good health to all, Rawsome health

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