Saturday, December 19, 2009

Yesterday a friend of mine asked"Why are you blogging? This is not you. You are too private." Well, the answer to this is that so many people have been instrumental in getting me to this place. I want to honor them by SHARING what I have learned with all of you. If any of you are STRUGGLING to better your health and you have tried EVERYTHING then this may be what you have been searching for. Here I am, on day five. Feeling just as good and motivated as I was on day one. There are so many things that I have noticed about this experience .The first is how little food I actually do need to be nourished. Yesterday I only had two 16oz. juices and although I don't recommend this, I felt fine. How is this possible I wondered? Well I think it's because with drinking only juice your body reacts differently. Digestion is immediate! There is no lag time. Causing me not to have an appetite. Never before have I experienced this. I do have hunger but no appetite. Because if this, I eat for sustainability. Freeing both my mind and my body. I've been able to accomplish so much during my waking hours that for two days I wasn't able to find the time to write in my blog. How's that for accomplishment! At a time of the year when most of us are frazzled and nutrition is the last thing on our minds. I am doing something even I would have never thought of. But in hind sight this was actually the best thing I could have done. I will admit that I have limited the number of parties I have attended and the cook books are collecting dust on the shelf. But I feel fantastic and right now that's what matters most. So as I sit at my computer waiting for the snow to fall, sipping my green juice( which consists of kale,red pear,celery and ginger) Cheers, wishing you all good health .

*Rawsome Health*

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